Sandra Camacho López


During the processes of applied creative research, more than the final result, what is of interest is the process, the learning, the bonds acquired among a group of people who, through art, seek transformations within a given population. The purpose of this article is to present some aspects of the writing process of the play 33,022 km of lives, which is published in issue 4 of this journal (Castiello, L., Díaz, B. et al., 2023). This text was written
by the participants of the workshop “Contar lo propio, entender lo ajeno: escrituras dramáticas y testimonio” guided by the Spanish researcher and playwright Gracia Morales at the Escuela Remiendo Teatro and brought to the stage by the Colombian scenic artist and researcher Ana María Vallejo during the second semester of 2022 in Granada, Spain.








Migratory travel narratives as poetic materials of

cation –

Observations during the process
of writing the theatrical text.

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