Presentation: Ana Milena Velásquez – Authors: Karol Sánchez Mejía, Mariana Duque García, Alexandra María Bolívar Zapata, Steven Isaac Ariza Noel, Ixel Marcano Bauza, Lorena Esther Plazas Barrios,
Manuel Omar Caycedo, Karen Astrid Palacio Úsuga, Daniel Bermúdez Taborda, Zoë Bouillin, Verónica
López Mendoza, Alejandra Molina Vélez, Marion Sauvaire, Gaïane Elias, Iaira Valantina Calles Molina



The University of Antioquia is part of the consortium of research institutions in the TransMigrArts project, Transforming migrations by arts, benefited by the RISE Research Innovation Society Exchange program of the HORIZON 2020 program of the European Union, which will be developed between 2020 and 2025. Continuing with the objectives of the research in its fourth phase – WP4: the co-implementation of the prototype workshops created during the previous phase and resulting from two years of observation practices and systematization of applied creation research experiences of the academic and artistic institutions that make up the project, the prototype was implemented at the University of Antioquia: Processual workshop of theatrical practice and scenic gesture: ¨De la experiencia migratoria a la creación colectiva”, with a participation of 13 people with migration and displacement experiences, 11 researchers and artists, 2 workshop leaders, 1 psychologist and many people who behind the scenes allow that in the university academic institution all the necessary processes to interdisciplinarity are carried out,
audiovisual artists, people in operational and administrative services.







The procedural workshop of theatrical practice and scenic gesture

From the migratory experience
migratory experience to collective creation – “Caminos

of the fire.”

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