Aparté Théâtre (PACFA Conseil S.A) was founded on the business and theater management skills of its founders Thierry Lafforgue (director and actor) and Pierrot Corpel (theater teacher, therapist and trainer). The start-up has been working for three and a half years with organizations (companies, schools, sports clubs, business clubs, medical institutions, etc.) focusing on two areas:

  • Human Resources (training and team bulding): theater is used as a substitute for PowerPoint presentations, making the messages become real, instead of just appearing on a screen. We work on cross-cutting issues for the organization: psychosocial risk prevention, intergenerational management, male/female parity, public speaking, non-violent and positive communication, team cohesion, etc. Each session is adapted to the circumstances of the business. A specialist accompanies the Pacfa Conseil team to provide expertise: psychologists, sociologists, actors …
  • Event marketing: in this case, theater is used to give an original twist to the event with invisible theater: actors entering the event in disguise (fake service personnel, clients, guides, visitors, presenters) following a script adapted to the event to surprise the attendees.

The development agenda of Pacfa Conseil Aparté Théâtre aims to develop R & D & i, from the launch of its activity, because it aspires to be the specialist organization in Innovative Theater Workshops for various socio-economic sectors of Occitania.

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