TransMigArts Blog

Project news

Find here the latest news of the TransMigrArts project; photos, videos, press, publications…


We had a phenomenal closing of activities!

We had a phenomenal closing of activities!

We ended the month of July with a phenomenal closing of activities. It was a month of intense work in whichwe held the plenary session towards WP4,presented the results from the dialogue between prototypes, evaluation and automation,
we participated in the creation of audiovisual capsules on the way to the implementation process, etc.

After the summer, we continue to plan and execute the next phases of the project.

To learn more about our specific project and other activities related to our research field, please visit our website

We hope you continue to enjoy this great trip! Thank you for joining us. We continue!

We are moving forward in transformation and exchange!

We are moving forward in transformation and exchange!

The second quarter of the year continued, without setbacks or obstacles, all the planning, the mobilities in continuous transit, the workshops deepening their objectives, more talks, seminars, interviews, etc., the transformation of migration through the arts in its pure state, comparing, reaching, recognizing, committing more and more every day.

Our TransMigrARTS program was presented at the Complutense University as part of the tribute to Francisco Gutiérrez Carbajo. The workshops began:
Vallenato, cantaoras, orality and visual narratives.
in Valledupar,
Testimony of displacement: from gesture to reparation in Medellín.
in Medellín. Workshops advanced:
Theatricalities of memory and bodies-territories.
in Vigía del Fuerte and Argelia,
Applied Creation Theater
in Madrid,
Les clownanalystes du Bataclown
and the sessions of
a methodology of neural stimulation through body percussion, at the Université de Toulouse – Jean Jaurès.

The photo exhibition “𝗜𝗠𝗔𝗚𝗜’𝗡𝗘𝗭” was inaugurated. Then, meetings and seminars began to collect the processes developed in the WP1 and WP2 work packages , preparatory to WP3. The TM3 Magazine went to press for publication in mid-July.

To learn more about our specific project and other activities related to our research field, please visit our website .

We hope you continue to enjoy this great trip! Thank you for joining us. We continue!

– TransMigrARTS NEWS –

The fourth issue of TMA MAGAZINE is here!

The fourth issue of TMA MAGAZINE is here!

Haven't you read the fourth issue of TMA Magazine yet? What are you waiting for?We tell you that it is full of new articles, experiences, interviews and very useful reviews to learn about the progress of our program's research. In addition, we invite you to submit...

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– Armand McClown –

Episodio 19 de la novela de Armand McClown

19. Vulnerabilidad LGBT Janet me cuenta desde su experiencia, en dónde recae la vulnerabilidad de las personas LGBT.

Episodio 18 de la novela de Armand McClown

18. Evangelina Martínez Evangelina Martinez es una de las actrices más importantes del teatro, el cine y la televisión mexicana. Tuve el gran honor de entrevistarla sobre su carrera y me contó cómo fue que migró a la Ciudad de México en los años 50's....

Episodio 17 de la novela de Armand McClown

17. Aparté Teatro ? Terminan con éxito los talleres de Octubre en Aparte Teatro y Alejandro Muñoz Cano nos comparte imagenes de lo que está sucediendo en Transmigrarts . ¡¡¡El arte puede ayudar a migrantes vulnerables!!!...

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