Scientific Committee

Antonia Amo Sánchez

Chris Baldwin
Chris Baldwin is the artistic director and co-founder of CCD Productions Ltd. He is widely known for Theater of Creation (ToC) and citizen-centered dramaturgy, approaches to large-scale performances designed for a place, about that place, and performed in deep collaboration with the people of that place.
His articles, books and plays can be found published in several languages. It also acts as an advisor to cities and rural areas wishing to develop their cultural policies, particularly in a European context (European Capitals of Culture).

Stephen Hanmer
Stephen Hanmer D’Elia is a leader with an extensive track record of over 20 years working with children, youth and families affected by trauma and injustice around the world. Stephen has implemented comprehensive and far-reaching programs working and living in over 20 countries in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, North America, Latin America, and Asia. Stephen has worked with a variety of organizations, including the United Nations, international organizations, and national and community organizations. Stephen holds degrees in law (J.D.) and social work (M.S.W.) from Columbia University and a B.A. in history from Yale University.
D. in Philosophy and Educational Sciences with Extraordinary Award. Professor (retired) of Didactics and School Organization at the University of Valencia and co-director of the Master’s Degree in Applied Theater (University of Valencia).

Patrice Pavis

Isabelle Reck

Ana Sedano
Professor of Theatre Studies, Applied Theatre, Theatre Pedagogy/Curriculum Design.
D. in Theater Studies from the University of Alcalá. Research and academic coordinator of the UC School of Theater. He has national and international experience in teaching and research on applied theater in various areas (education, health and community). His doctoral thesis, published in 2016, received the Extraordinary Prize of the University of Alcalá (2019). She has also been awarded the “Programa Giner de los Ríos de Profesores e Investigadores Invitados para el curso 2016/2017” of the same university and has been awarded the “Joven Investigador” prize by the University of Burgos and the Sociedad Española de Pedagogía (2012). His publications in indexed journals, monographs and book chapters also stand out, in addition to the coordination of research projects, both internal and external (Conicyt PAI 2018/2021, Fondart 2021, among others).

Esther Uria Iriarte
Esther Uria Iriarte holds a PhD in education. Her line of research is in areas such as Theater in Education, Arts Based Research, coexistence and school improvement. In 2020 she obtained the Extraordinary Doctorate Award for her thesis developed around theater as a pedagogical resource to promote coexistence in the context of secondary education. In addition to having developed her career as a professional actress in theater, film and television, she has a degree in Special Education and Psychopedagogy. She is currently a professor of Educational Sciences at the University of the Basque Country and is a member of the GANDERE research group (Gender Socialization and Educational Contexts). Since 2017, she has directed the educational-artistic project “Sormen”, promoted by the Union of Basque Actors and Actresses and subsidized by the Provincial Council of Guipúzcoa and Vizcaya.