Spanish state agency attached to the Ministry of Science and Innovation. Its main mission is to develop and promote research to contribute to scientific and technological progress, for which it is open to work together with Spanish and foreign entities. According to the SIR World Report 2012 ranking, it is the largest public institution in Spain dedicated to research, having reached ninth place in the world rankings: Ranking Global (prepared by SCImago Institutions Rankings) and 16th in 2017.

The CSIC participated in the initial program of the European Framework Programmes for Research in 1984. This collaborative work has continued uninterrupted and expanded until today in Horizon 2020. CSIC enjoys a prominent position at European level. for public research organizations, as it is usually among the top five in terms of the number of projects awarded. These same results make it the leading Spanish organization in terms of number of projects, economic profitability and number of coordinated activities.

The main objective of the Institute of Language, Literature and Anthropology (ILLA) is a research of the Hispanic cultural heritage in its triple dimension: anthropological, linguistic and literary. Consequently, its researchers publish internationally recognized journals in their scientific circles, and carry out an intense training activity through a wide range of their own master’s degrees.


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