* Go to CALL FOR CALLS to consult the specific conditions of each issue.


Proposals submitted to the Editorial Committee of TMA will be subject to prior validation by the Editorial Committee and, in the case of articles, to validation by blind peers made up of experts in the subjects of the journal.


The publication of original articles in the journal does not entitle the authors to any remuneration, without prejudice to the intellectual property and authorship rights, which remain unalterable.

Likewise, the journal does not require any type of payment or charge to the authors for the publication of any contribution.


The journal may include different types of collaboration, whose formats or publication conditions will be specified individually:

ARTICLEAcademic text, fundamentally theoretical, that rigorously follows the necessary criteria for its indexation and that deals with topics related to the project, its activities or the research and academic references that frame it. EMaximum extension from 14 pagesThe manuscript should be in DIN A 4 format, single-spaced (i.e., single-spaced), in Calibri font, size 11, not including notes and images, in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect.

WORKSHOPThe following is a sample of the Structure, Methodology, Format, Contents and Development of Research-Creation workshops, as well as possible results, although these could be the object of a separate article, also written with all the necessary characteristics for its indexation. EMaximum extension from 10 pagesThe manuscript should be in DIN A 4 format, single-spaced (i.e., single-spaced), in Calibri font, size 11, not including notes and images, in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect.

EXPERIENCEExperiential report of participants or facilitators of the workshops or activities developed in the shadow of the project. It is less academic and more informative, which implies less rigorous writing and presentation. It will not be evaluated by blind peers. Extension of 8 pagesnot including notes and images, in DIN A 4 format, single-spaced (i.e., single-spaced), in Calibri font, size 11, in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect.

REPORTGraphic, visual or audiovisual contribution, related to any proposal, activity or experience developed, related to the contents of TMA magazine. Videos larger than 10 Mb will be placed on other internet hosts and will be linked to from the front page of the magazine. The visual format and the arrangement and layout of the images will be agreed between the author and the Editorial Committee, although in the event of any disagreement, the criteria of the Committee will prevail. Extension of 8 pagesnot including notes and images, in DIN A 4 format, single-spaced (i.e., single-spaced), in Calibri font, size 11, in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect.

INTERVIEWMixed proposal (it can be written, graphic or audiovisual), which responds to the classic interview format, to relevant people due to their position, knowledge or experience in the field of Research-Creation or migration. EMaximum extension from 8 pagesThe manuscript should be in DIN A 4 format, single-spaced (i.e., single-spaced), in Calibri font, size 11, not including notes and images, in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect.

REVIEWTMA magazine will collect bibliographic reviews of issues related to the subject, which have either been published in the last 18 months, or are of interest due to their content considered basic knowledge for the environment. They must be accompanied by a cover image, complete editorial and authorship reference, as well as a summary of no more than 1 pagenot including notes and images, in DIN A 4 format, single-spaced (i.e., single-spaced), in Calibri font, size 11, in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect..


The texts must be original and unpublished, and must not have been included in another publication.

The title and authorship shall be clearly defined, specifying the status and affiliation to a public or private institution, if applicable.

Likewise, the headings or sections into which the text is subdivided shall be clearly specified.

The originals will be delivered in computer support, via e-mail.

The text shall be preceded by an abstract (max. 150 words), and a selection of 5 to 7 keywords. Both abstract and keywords must be translated into the three official languages of TMA: Spanish, English and French.


Images may be included and must be provided in separate files of the highest possible resolution (minimum 150 dpi), preferably in JPG or TIFF format.

Videos may also be provided, although depending on the quality of the images and their computer size, it may be decided to include a link to access the video remotely from another location on the network.

Its placement/reference with respect to the text shall be indicated, as well as the necessary caption and copyright.

The authors are responsible for the management of any reproduction rights that may apply to the illustrations. It is the author of the article who must adequately cite in the article the origin of the figures, tables, data, photographs, etc., previously published and, in accordance with the open source nature of the publication, the necessary permissions for their reproduction in any medium must be provided.

All external participation options throughout the course of the project (the Summer School and, before that, the attendance to other workshops, exhibitions, colloquiums…) will be properly announced through this website, our PR, our newsletter or other means of communication.


Quotations will be enclosed in quotation marks inserted in the text paragraph if they are less than one line long. Otherwise they will be in a separate paragraph without quotation marks.

The notes shall be indicated with superscript numbers or raised type, and shall be placed at the foot of the corresponding page, in size 9.

If a bibliography of the works consulted is included, it should be at the end, arranged alphabetically by author.

For all of the above, it is advisable to follow the APA standards7


4 to 6 months before the issue of TMA magazine is published

Call for internal and external collaborations

2 to 3 months prior to the release of the TMA magazine issue

Delivery of originals by the authors

1 to 2 months before the issue of TMA magazine is published

Validation of publications by blind peers.

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