Margarita Pineda Arias Internship student in the Doctorate in Artistic Studies of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas from the Doctorate in Education of the Universidad de Antioquia.


The title suggested to construct the narrative of this experience, once placed on the blank page, reminded me of another headline: Three lives, two biographies and an artist1 , an article that talked about my triple condition of migrant worker, migrant doctoral student and artist. It would seem that in both cases, the condition of artist would be the only one to be safeguarded from the conditions of transit and the crossing of geographies and waters, languages and cultures, people and bodies, work activities and professional activities, of natures and spaces, of texts and contexts, but nothing more distant… leaving Colombia
to get to Spain meant that for two years I was not able to create art, and likewise when I returned from Barcelona to Medellin after 10 years, I was not able to create for almost the same period of time.







Autoethnographic experiences of a migrant artist

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