Fernando Bercebal – Elisabeth Garavito – Monique Martinez – Sandra Ortega – Lia Esther Lemu


As part of the fourth stage of the TransMigrARTS program, where workshop prototypes are being validated, we sought to identify the transformations in the participants of a workshop held at DAPIN (Engineering & energy people). The cohesion of the group operates here as an experience that strengthens the transversal categories that served as the basis for the artistic proposals of TransMigrARTS: group, body, experience and creativity. Having approached the notion of workshop as a “dispositive practice”, that is, as a mesh of diverse elements that are articulated to produce meaning in the migrant population, the concept of theatrical focus is developed, understood as the intensity of attention that each participant receives, which is variable both in power and in temporal dose. This focus is the referential axis that the workshop leaders maneuver to achieve the cohesion objectives proposed by the workshop.








The focus concept

A possible metaphor

for the dynamics

and empowerment


in the artistic workshop

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