Andrés Rodríguez Ferreira


This experiential account has been elaborated by the author thanks to his participation as a participant observer in TransMigrARTS, an agreement signed between the European Union and thirteen partners, including the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas; a transcontinental project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie GA framework during the researcher’s stays in the city of Madrid, Spain, in the summer of 2022 and winter of 2024. La Voz como instrumento de construcción del sujeto artístico is a writing that serves as a background to the text presented here. It revolves around the epistemic categories related to the subject and the ideas and images that he materializes in his creative process. This text was
applied to the analysis of the researcher’s stay with the Ñaque Collective during the summer of 2022, which included, among other research and planning activities, the “TransMigrARTS Workshop, Devising Theatre as a creative framework for understanding”, with a group of eight migrants/workshop participants and five observers.







TransMigr ARTS –

a stage


for voice

of the migrant

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