Agustín Parra Grondona – Diego Prieto Olivares – Clémence Cros


This article discusses the experience of implementing a prototype TransMigrARTS artistic workshop with exile-a-s beginners in French and its effect on one of the main vulnerabilities of the migrant population: the lack of knowledge of the language and culture of the host country. Since the TransMigrARTS workshop prototypes focus on reducing the vulnerabilities of the migrant population that favor their integration at all levels of the host society, learning French as a foreign language (FLE) is one of the necessary conditions for such integration at the social, cultural, educational and employment levels, among others, in France. This article reflects on the application of the prototype workshop Breathing: Transits in the here and now for necessary futures to a group of exiles enrolled in the CLEF program (Culture and Language in French) of the DILAMI program of the University of Toulouse. At the end of the workshop, verbal reports were collected from the participants, the vast majority of whom stated that the workshop had contributed significantly to their general well-being and had had a positive impact on their French language learning process. In turn, the researchers’ field notes indicate that, thanks to the well-being generated by the artistic activities that took place, the Breathing workshop prototype shows great potential for promoting listening comprehension skills, oral expression, vocabulary development and self-confidence in expressing oneself in public in French.








Mise en œuvre d’un prototype d’atelier artistique Trans

MigrARTS –

expérience avec des exilé-e-s débutant-e-s en français

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