Marion Sauvaire


Lire Ensemble (Read Together) was a social innovation project aimed at supporting migrant families in the adoption of children’s literature reading practices. Developed between 2017 and 2022 in Quebec City, Canada, Lire Ensemble brought together diverse actors from academia, the cultural and community sector, in order to strengthen the links between books and everyday life, build bridges between different linguistic and cultural communities, and re-signify intergenerational and intercultural exchange. Our shared purpose was to provide immigrant families, especially parents of children ages 4 to 12, with tools that would enable them to read children’s literary albums at home. The project approach focused on conducting workshops in public libraries and in a francophone center for adults, where allophone parents could discover children’s literature and, most importantly, adopt subjective, sensitive and creative reading practices that would help repair the ruptures in intergenerational and intercultural transmission caused by migration.








Read together –

Reading, transmitting, transforming in the context of migration

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