All of this is good news, we have TMA 5 Journal coming out full of extraordinary collaborations, the indexing process continues to take the final steps to start the application to DOAJ, then the process with LATINDEX, a great step forward in the consolidation of the program.

As if this were not enough, we update you on all the programming we have had during the second quarter of the year: More implementations of the TransMigrARTS workshop prototypes continued and started:
Breathing – transits in the here and now for necessary futures
at Université Toulouse – Jean Jaurès, Aarhus University, Folkehuset Ankersgade.

The workshop
We dance weaving territories
given by Ñaque editora at the Centro Sociocultural Pablo Iglesias in San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid), with a group of migrants referred by the Red Cross. The workshop of
Dramatic and theatrical writings for the beneficiaries of CASAR (Comité Albigeois de Solidarité avec les Réfugiés)
for the beneficiaries of CASAR (Comité Albigeois de Solidarité avec les Réfugiés) in the Tarn (France).

The processual workshop of
Theatrical practice and scenic gesture, from the migratory experience to collective creation at the University of Antioquia.
at the University of Antioquia, in addition to the Conversatory on Applied Creative Research, Knowledge in Dialogue: TransMigrArts Project and the program Peace is a Work of Art.

The colloquium
“Nouveaux Horizons de l’Hospitalité : enjeux mémoriels, artistiques, philosophiques et politiques”
organized at the Université Toulouse – Jean Jaurès with the lecture of Ana Maria Vallejo and Nina Jambrina.

A meeting with the international laboratory Residui Teatro for the conference
Art, migration and social commitment
with the participation of Teatro La Candelaria, Carlos Zatizabal and Patricia Ariza in the framework of the Puentes initiative within the Sane project (stories about a new Europe). And there is more, we are still in the process of editing the book on
Applied Creative Research

We can only be grateful for the involvement of all the people who make possible the progress of the program, our partners, collaborators, mobilities, participants, followers, readers, without your support this would not be possible.

As you have surely been encouraged by such good news, we will continue to make it yours.

Let’s go for more!